White thyme essential oil
Item No.
Z 325

Common thyme (thymus vulgaris l.) originates from lamiaceae family. The leaves and aboveground part of the plant are used for medicinal purposes and contain essential oil, the main constituent, thymol. People also found carvacrol, n-cymene, pinene, terminene, borneol, cariophillin and linalool, flavonoids, tanning substance, mineral salts, amarines, ursolic, oleanoic, caffeic, chinnic, chlorgenic and other acids. Thymol possesses antiseptic, disinfectant and bactericidal effects.
Usage description
It is used for treatment of bronchitis, coughs, pertussis and pneumonia, as an analgesic agent against radiculitis and ischias, diarrhea and flatulence. It normalizes intestinal microflora.
