We recommend consulting a professional before using essential oils for your own safety and better results. Also, be sure to take the skin test in order to determine individual tolerance of the oil.
And bear in mind that the smell of the oil must be pleasant and trigger only positive emotions!
Essential oils are practically water-insoluble, so it is necessary to dilute them in emulsifier before use and then add water. One usually uses salt, milk, honey, cream as emulsifier, but it is best to dissolve an essential oil in a small amount of base oil (jojoba or avocado oils).
Some essential oils can neutralize the effect of homeopathic medicine, so if you use it, we recommend consulting a homeopath before using essential oils.
And of course, you should always start with the minimum (for this type of aromatherapy) amount of essential oil.
Almost every essential oil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Almost all essential oils have a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state of the body, boost metabolism and immunity. But, nevertheless, each oil has some characteristic properties that allow classifying them by their major benefits:
- Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory - basil, clove, lavender, frankincense, lemon, juniper berries, peppermint, patchouli, silver fir, rosewood, white thyme, cumin seed, tea tree, sage, eucalyptus;
- Cicatrizing - geranium, lavender, frankincense, juniper berries, patchouli, rosemary, rose, rosewood, eucalyptus;
- Emollient - orange, jasmine, lavender, rose, cumin seed;
- Rejuvenating - geranium, jasmine, ylang-ylang, frankincense, neroli, patchouli, rose, rosewood;
- Soothing - basil, geranium, ylang-ylang, jasmine, lavender, frankincense, lemon balm, neroli, patchouli, fir, rose, fennel, tea tree;
- Tonic - orange, geranium, clove, lemon, juniper berries, peppermint, rosemary, rosewood, white thyme, sage, eucalyptus;
- Muscular relaxation - lemon balm, juniper berries, peppermint, silver fir;
- Sensitizing - jasmine, ylang-ylang, neroli, patchouli, rose, eucalyptus;
- Bracing - basil, geranium, juniper berries, peppermint, eucalyptus;
- Mild analgesic - clove, geranium, frankincense, juniper berries, peppermint, fir, rosemary, tea tree;
-Purification of the body- basil, juniper berries, cumin seed, fennel, eucalyptus;
- Hair growth-boosting - geranium, ylang-ylang, frankincense, juniper berries, neroli, rosemary, rosewood, fir, cumin seed;
- Burntreating - geranium, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree.
External (transdermal) use:
Aroma bath
This method of aromatherapy is favorable for home use and has a triple therapeutic effect: bioactive agents of essential oils act upon the body through the skin, respiratory organs and with the help of olfactory.
You can have either a full bath or a local bath (hip bath, for hands or feet in accordance with the doctor's recommendations). The bath water temperature must be the same as body temperature and must not exceed 36-37 Co. Bathing time should take about 10-20 minutes.
The average amount of the bath oil: usually 5-10 drops of an essential oil diluted in emulsifier is sufficient for an average bath-tub. Twice less amount for children and elderly people. Before taking an aroma bath on one should take a shower. After the aroma bath one should not splash himself/herself with water, one should soak up his/her body with a towel.
Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, cancer and certain types of dermatitis contraindicate taking aroma baths.
Aromatic oil massage multiplies the effects of essential oils, boosts metabolism and microcirculation in the impact zone. In such case a type of massage and use of essential oils depend on your goals and needs. For aromatic oil massage 5-10 drops of essential oils is diluted in 50 ml of base oil or body oil.
An alternative to massage can be rubbing massage or compress with essential oils that quickly affect the problem areas directly, and in addition, they are easy to do without any assistance. Rubbing massage: 10-15 drops of essential oil or a mixture of oils are diluted in a tablespoon of base oil and rub in a circular intensive motion until fully absorbed in the affected area.
For compress (hot or cold), one uses a mixture of 5-15 drops of essential oils in a glass of water, or 5 drops of oil in 1 teaspoon of vodka. In cases when it is necessary to affect on a sufficiently large area one uses body wraps.
For small-sized affected areas one uses application,applying a piece of cotton or gauze soaked in a mixture of essential oils.
Enrichment of cosmetics средств (creams, shampoos, masks, scrubs) would give the desirable properties to your cosmetics, making care more efficient. For enrichment it’s better to use simple composition of cosmetic products intended for basic daily car. Typically 2-5 drops of essential oils are added to 10 g of base oil.
And by mixing base and vegetable oils, dairy products, vegetable mask with a few drops of essential oil, you'll create an individual cosmetic product taking into account the characteristics of your skin.
Spraying into the air (inhalation methods):
Essential oil burner (aromadiffusor)
It is one of the most enjoyable and easy methods of aromatherapy at home. Just pour out a few drops of essential oil (on the basis of 2-3 drops by 10 sq.m. of the net room area) into the water. Before using the essential oil burner clear the air in the room, then shut the windows and doors.
There are many different kinds of essential oil burners. But we recommend using modern ultrasonic aromadiffusors that are not only safe and cost-effective and aerate with phytoncides of essential oils, but also moisturize it, spraying fine cold "mist" full with a desirabble aroma. At the same time the effect of essential oil is softer.
Essential oil burner brings pleasure, improves the mood, bringing harmony and comfort, and clean indoor air, prevent the spread of infection and other bacteria. It will set the mood and improves the microclimate in your house.
Aromatization inside the house can be performed with a simple vaporizer, spraying into the air a mixture of cold water (200 ml), from 3 to 10 drops of oil or mixture of oils plus adding one teaspoon alcohol for stability.
A simple and effective way to use aromatherapy at home. We recommend performing only cold inhalations - they are more effective, especially if carried out with the help of special devices - inhalers. Hot inhalation may aggravate the patient’s condition, foster the spread of infection, raise the body's temperature.
When having a cold inhalation one can simply inhale essential oil right from the bottle, and also drop it on the pillow, napkin, aroma stones, in aroma pendant or pour out in a glass of hot water.
If you use an inhaler-nebulizer follow the instructions of a particular device.
Main cold-relief and antiseptic essential oils for inhalation: tea tree, thyme, juniper berries, silver fir, eucalyptus, rosemary, rosewood, lemon, peppermint, lemon balm.
Aroma steam bath relates to the methods of inhalation aromatherapy, because of the effects of essential oils that take place exclusively via the respiratory system.
The mixture of essential oils with cold water (5-10 drops in the bailer of water) is periodically poured onto hot surfaces in the steam bath room.
Composition of perfumes with the help of a mixture of essential oils and alcohol with water will create an individual fragrance to improve the mood.