Help when dealing with an online store VIVASAN
In this section you can find answers to any of your questions. We are doing our best to make shopping in our online store as easy and convenient for you as possible. If you haven’t found an answer to your question, you can visit the “Frequently Asked Questions” section.
Should you have any problems with the way the site operates, please feel free to contact us:
skype : vivasan01
Dear Vivasan members,
Our web shop is now online.
Below you can find a few useful tips and information how to use our web shop.
1.) Why is our web shop useful?
The web shop allows our clients to receive more detailed information on our products. Thus, our clients save their time shopping comfortably from at home.
The web shop is also a useful tool for our Vivasan Consultants and Vivasan Leaders. Particular functions of the web shop are given below so that you could learn about its advantages.
2.) Access to the web shop
Our web shop is accessible
All first-timers are directed to the so-called client area. It means that all the prices here are client prices. In our web shop we distinguish between clients and Vivasan Consultants.
2.1) Web shop for our clients.
The web shop offers all necessary functions so that the client can get informed of our products. In particular, the information on the product is extensive as we not only present it and provide its detailed description and application instructions, but also give a complete list of its ingredients. Under the section “Products” you can select one product line only and then proceed to a relevant product that interests you. There you find a product description and also a link to its ingredients. If you click on this link, you’ll see all the ingredients this product contains. If you’re interested in a particular ingredient, click on its name and all the necessary information regarding this ingredient will be shown to you.
2.2.) Shopping via Vivasan web shop for clients.
If you have added a product to the cart and are a first-timer at our web-site, there opens a window with the “I’m here for the first time” button which you should click.
There appear information fields that should be filled in. This information is very important to us as it contributes to providing a client with optimal services. After you have filled in all the fields, you should click the “Send” button. In a few seconds a password will be sent to your email. Copy the password and return to our web shop by clicking on the link in your email. You should now enter your email and password, thus, you log in to the web shop as client. Please note that you should go through this procedure only once. The web shop and your browser remember your data and, therefore, you're automatically logged in when you visit our web shop from your computer next time.
If you intend to visit Vivasan web-site from different computers, it would be better if you change your password to the password which is easy for you to remember. It means that you can also change the password you’ve automatically received from the web-site. This is quite simple. There is a red button at the upper right corner of the web shop. Click this button. There appears your name and the function “My account” becomes visible under it.
Activate the function “My account”. All the information you need is presented there. Below you can find the function “Change the password”. When you click this button, you can change the password as you wish.
Useful tip: To the left of the red button there is a function “Help”. If you click this button, there will appear all the most important web shop functions represented as pictures with description.
3.) Access to the web shop for Vivasan Consultants
All Vivasan Consultants having a valid consultant number and a valid email address have access to the web shop consultant area.
In order to prevent any misuse, those Vivasan consultants who visit the web-site for the first time should register.
3.1) Registration with the web shop for Vivasan Consultants
As it has already been noted in clause 2, all the above procedures can be found in the section “Help” at the web-site upper right corner.
To the left of the red button there is a function “Register”. Click this button and there will appear a window. On the right page there is a “I’m here for the first time” button and under it there is a “For distributors” button, you should click the latter.
Now your email and consultant number should be entered.
If the entered data are right, a message containing a password will be sent to your email address. See clause 2 on how to proceed further.
If you receive an error report after you’ve entered your email and consultant number, there may be the following reasons for it:
* you have no email in the database system Navison: please contact the operator in the branch office or in this warehouse (which works with Navison). The operator will register your email with the system.
* your consultant number doesn’t match the email. Please contact the operator.
* your consultant number or email is wrong. Double-check your consultant number and email and try again.
Note. Our system has only one consultant number as well as only one email address. It means that only one email address can exist for a particular consultant number in the system.
3.2) Shopping via Vivasan web shop
Vivasan consultants have the right to buy Vivasan products at a special price for consultants.
The prices at the web shop are as follows: Consultant price plus 8% = Web shop price
3.3) Instant discount
Please take your time and visit Vivasan business web shop (upper command bar). There you can find all the options which Vivasan business web shop offers. Open «Instant Discount Program»: there is a table of 10% to 18% instant discount. For example, if you make a one-time purchase with a price of CHF 100, your instant discount will be 10%.
What does it mean?
If the price of your purchase is CHF 100, you get a 10% instant discount and should only pay CHF 90.
The Instant Discount Program also has the function, under which we pay you a part of volume discount in advance. Earlier, at the end of each month the billing system calculated your total compensation which you could use only in the following month. As from now on a part of your compensation is immediately credited to you, which means you don’t have to wait till the following month. The example of such calculation is given below:
CHF 100: 1.08 = CHF 92.6 price for consultants
92.6/1.3 = CHF 71.2 net price for consultants.
In accordance with Vivasan marketing plan you get a 4% volume discount of the net price for consultants, in this case that is CHF 2.85.
This amount is an advance payment of the volume discount regarding your purchase at the web shop.
This amount is also entered to our billing system as deficit (as you have already received funds in the form of an instant discount)
Please note that this form of instant discount is applicable only at!
3.4) Can I use my compensation at Vivasan web shop?
If according to Vivasan marketing plan you’re entitled to such compensations as volume discount, bonuses or motivating bonuses you can use your compensations while making purchases at the web shop. Please note that you can only use 50% of the order amount as compensation.
3.5) The virtual warehouse
It is possible for each Vivasan consultant to place an order on behalf of other Vivasan members. This operation is called “virtual warehouse” and compensation is due for this operation. More detailed information on this topic is available at vivasanint.comunder Vivasan > Vivasan Business Web Shop.
Under the function “Help” there is a precise description of how to work with the virtual warehouse.
Important tips which are to be observed when working with the virtual warehouse:
Each Vivasan consultant is associated with a branch office or warehouse, where he/she receives his/her compensation. You can place orders and arrange deliveries only for those consultants who are associated with the same branch office or warehouse as you are!
One more important tip: a Vivasan Consultant working with the virtual warehouse should pay for the products to be delivered! In other words, a Vivasan consultant working via the virtual warehouse receives money from his/her clients (Vivasan consultants) and transfers it to Vivasan for ordering the products.
Sincerely yours, Thomas Goettfried
You can see and copy your referral link in your account on the page of your account

How to use it:

2. Go to your account page

3. Copy the link

4. Place this link wherever you like
5. When you click it, it moves you to the registration page of the new distributor, but your referral data has already been entered, namely: your distribution number and email address in the sponsor fields, so the new distributor will only have to enter your personal data !!!
Thank you for being with us!
Administration of online store Vivasan.

Fill invalid information about your self, such as your full name and preferred shipping address,in order to create an online store account.
Enter your valid e-mail address. The password will be sent to this address. Click "CONFIRM".
If all the fields are filled in correctly, you will receive a message: "REGISTRATION WAS SUCCESSFUL".

Open youre-mail.
In the inbox folder you should have a letter with a password and a confirmation link. (if the letter is not in your inbox, check the "SPAM" folder)
To confirm your registration, click on the link in the letter.

After registration is confirmed, click "Sign in to the online store"

You can sign in by using your email address and the password from the letter. (When entering your password, please note that a period at the end of a line is not part of a password) Attention:Next time you won’t have to go through this process, as the system has already remembered you. All you have to do in order to shop with us is enter your email address and a password.
If you are a Vivasan representative, have a valid e-mail address and an in-date consultant registration number, you have to go through the following procedures:
Click "Signin" (top right):
Click "FOR DISTRIBUTORS" in the section "NEW USER"
Enter you e-mail address and consultant number in the relevant fields.
Once you have confirmed your details, and activation link and a password will be sent to youre –mail address To activate your account, click on the link in the letter.
After you have activated your account, you will have access to the consultant tab on the VIVASAN website.
Click "Sign in to the online store".
Attention: You will only have to go through this process once!
Enter the consultant number and the password from the letter in order to go to the consultant tab on the website.
If you don’t want-enter the password on this computer, check the box "remember me".
You can change your password at any time if you wish. To do that, just click "Change password".
Enter your old password do nceand a new password twice. Click "SAVE"
As a VIVASAN representative you can sign up easily and quickly.
If you are a VIVASAN customer with out a registration number, then first you must go to the login window and sign in:
Then click on "My account" in your personal menu.
Then click on the registration button, select "BECOME A DISTRIBUTOR" in the "Account management" section.
Now you have two options:
1.) If you know your sponsor, enter his consultant number and his e-mail address. Then click «send».
2.) If you don’t know any of the VIVASAN consultants, check the box «don’t know a consultant, select from the list».
In the appropriate field select a VIVASAN consultant that will become your sponsor.
After you are done, the following information will be sent to your email address:
->personal number of your VIVASAN consultant
->your passwordUsing these data you can now sign up on line and change your password should you wish to do so.
ATTENTION! your country's currency will be displayed after login to the site.
It’s really easy to place an order. Go to the catalogue and select products that you wish to purchase.
Next go to the Shopping cart.
All the products that you have selected will be displayed here. In this section you can change the quantity of the selected items or remove them from the cart.
To place an order, click "CHECK OUT"
Check your shipping address and click «next». /o:p>
Or enter a different shipping address by checking the appropriate box.
Click "NEXT"
Select a payment method , click "NEXT"
Fill in your credit card information and follow the link below.
Double check all the necessary information. Note that you can update your order information; for example you can edit the branch address, the shipping address or the payment method.-
Click «pay» next, and your order will automatically be placed.
How to change an order?
If you want to change your orde rafter you have clicked «pay», please contact us by phone: +7(495)7555675 or by e-mail:
Provide your full name and address. If you are a VIVASAN consultant, enter your consultant number and your e-mail address.
If your order hasn’t been placed yet, you can make all the necessary changes to it yourself. Take a look at«How to place an order» section.
You can also place orders on behalf of your friends, acquaintances and relatives. It means that you will have to provide their shipping address.
This can be done as follows:
Select products that you wish to purchase from a catalogue. Then go to the shop ping cart and click «checkout».
Here information about the shipping address will be displayed. Check an empty box below. Now enter the exact shipping address and click «next».
There is another way to change the shipping address. Before you click on the appropriate button, you can change the address in the field to the right from the button.
If you would like to take advantage of the volume discount, then you must comply with the following conditions:
->You must have a valid VIVASAN representative.
->You must fulfill the terms of getting a discount as described in the VIVASAN marketing plan.
If you meet the indicated requirements, go to the website and place an order like it is outlined in the subsection «How to place an order?».
On the page that displays the window «Payment», all payable to you discounts, premiums and motivational premiums are indicated.
Go to the appropriate field and select an amount that you need. Don’t forget to mark the adjacent field.
Please note:
1.) 50% of the order amount must be paid for by the customer. In other words, if you place an order for $100, the maximum discount amount on this order is $50.
2.) Motivation al premium scan only be used in certain circumstances. For instance, if you are registered in Russia and want to sign up a new consultant in Germany, motivational premium can only be used while making an order in Germany.
3.) All other discount scan only be used in the country where you are registered as a representative. If a consultant is registered in Russia, then he can use his discounts only in Russia, in other words shipping address should be in Russia.WHAT ARE THE CONDINIONS OF THE VIRTUAL STORE?
You can place an order for another distributor, registered on the same stock that you do.
NOTE: When you purchase through the virtual warehouse reservation must be paid by you!To do this, open your account.

Open order entry window:

enter the number in the box and click the "+ Add to cart"

You can call this number:…..
Or contact the delivery service e-mail: ……
Business hours:…….

You can easily and quickly register the representative VIVASAN.
Click "LOGIN"

Click "I'm new here"

Fill in the details of a new distributor and the distributor of a new email, Check the box "I want to become a Distributor." Enter the number and sponsor email (email the sponsor must be registered in the system). Click "Submit".

You will receive:

Check email just registered distributor. There will be a letter with a link to activate the new account, the distributor number and password.To activate your account by clicking the link from the letter (Link).
The "REGISTRATION STATEMENT"Select "Sign the online shop"Log in using the password of the email-message.
You can call this number:…..
Or you can contact us via e-mail:……
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Business hours:…….
Being a Vivasan customer or a consultant, you can subscribe to our newsletter.
Enter you e-mail address in the «Newsletter» and click «Sign up».
Now you can get information about the latest offers, new products and events as well as tips on wellness management. You will always be kept up-to-date on our company’s latest news.
You can pay for your order either in cash upon receipt to the courier or with a credit card.