Vitamin A
Item No.
Z 189

Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate), being an antioxidant, slows down skin aging, normalizes collagen synthesis, enhances cell regeneration, improves skin elasticity and smooths fine lines, moisturizes and prevents skin dryness and roughness, improves skin immunity and stabilizes the barrier function of the skin. For BAA and “Healthy Nutrition” lines, vitamin A is extremely important for vision because it is a part of eye retina pigment. Deficiency of this vitamin causes a “night blindness” (poor vision for dusk and after dark). However, its regular intake in the body is necessary for any vision impairment. It prevents the early development of cataracts and plays a significant role in the prevention of muscular dystrophy - the disease usually developing in old age.
Usage description
Antioxidant, slows down skin aging, normalizes collagen synthesis. For BAA and “Healthy Nutrition” lines, it ensures normal twilight and color vision, ensures the integrity of epithelial tissues, regulates bone growth.
