Item No.
Z 584

Piperine is an alkaloid, found in all kinds of pepper and responsible for pungency of this vegetable of the family piperaceae. The medical properties of piperine have been used by humans since ancient times. The beneficial effect of piperine is known in Aurvedic practice. The unique mechanism of piperine effect on the human health regulates a number of enzymes, responsible for the metabolism in the human organism. As the activity of amino acids in the intestine is inhibited by glycoside piperine, the products of decay are removed from the cells. Piperine is also efficient in the treatment of high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, renal infections, fistulas and respiratory diseases. It is used in many herbal preparations, such as cayenne pepper.
Usage description
It acts as a catalyst, enhancing the properties of other herbs. It has a strong antioxidant effect, cleanses the organism from toxic substances, supplies sulphur to the organism.
