Messinian lemon essential oil
Item No.
Z 315

(Citrus Limon L) Composition: 100% Italian Messinian lemon essential oil. Ingredients: terpens, aprox. 95 % (pinene, limonene, phellandrene, camphene), linalool, citral (up to 6%), citronellal. The essential oil has a broad spectrum of effects. It maintains functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves blood lipid composition. It healthfully influences on GI tract, metabolism and bile flow. It reinforces body defense mechanisms and is effective against cellulitis. The product whitens skin as well as prevents injuries to teeth and oral cavity. The agent alleviates headaches. This is a nice cleansing remedy.
Usage description
Method of administration: aroma lamp: 3-5 c., balmy baths: 5-7 c., massage and anointment: 5-10 c. per 10 g massage oil, compress: 7-10 c. + 150 ml water, for inhalations: 2-3 c. per 200 ml water, duration: 5-7 minutes, cosmetic product enrichment: 5 c. + 5 g of basis, rinsing: 2-3 c. Per a glass of water, internal use (after consultation with a doctor only): per 1 c. twice a day with tea or juice during 3 weeks. Contraindications: Do not use it in the course of chemotherapy! Do not apply it to skin directly before exposing skin to sunlight.
