Corn oil
Item No.
Z 353

One of the main advantages of corn oil is the high content of vitamin E – twice as much as in olive or sunflower oil. Due to this, corn oil aids in normal functioning of the endocrine system, especially the sexual glands, hypophysis, adrenals, thyroid gland, prevents development of muscle weakness and fatigue. Corn oil reduces generation of blood clots, has antimutagenic properties, protecting the genetic apparatus of cells against mutations, caused by effect of chemicals, ionizing radiation. Unsaturated fatty acids contained in corn oil increase resistance of the body to infectious diseases and aid in excretion of excess cholesterol from the body. Corn oil is also rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, K3, Pro-vitamins A.
Usage description
It reduces the generation of blood clots, has antimutagenic properties, protecting the genetic apparatus of cells against mutations, caused by effect of chemicals and ionizing radiation.
