Bottlebrush extract
Item No.
Z 169

(Equisetum arvense L). Equisetaceae family. Grass containing malic, aconitic, oxalic and silicic acids, tannins, bitterness, resins, saponins, equisitin, flavonoids (equisitrin, luteolin, isoquercetine) carotene, ascorbic acid, sitosterol, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum, aluminum, selenium, nickel and etc., is used. It has diuretic, hemostyptic, disinfectant, epithelizing, anti-inflammatory, astringent effect. It enhances excretion of lead, cholesterol, various toxic substances, wastes from the body. It normalizes water-salt metabolism. It is used for kidney diseases (nephritis, nephrosis). Being a source of silicic acid, it has an influence on the synthesis of fibrous proteins - collagen, elastin and keratin, improving the condition of connective and bone tissue, skin, hair and nails. It is included into the composition of “Migliorin” capsules for strengthening of skin, hair and nails.
Usage description
It is used for kidney diseases. It is a source of silicic acid, influences the synthesis of fibrous proteins - collagen, elastin and keratin, improving the condition of connective and bone tissue, skin, hair and nails.
